Jakarta As an Exciting Shopping Destination

If one planned to go on a tour in Jakarta it would be a must to add a side journey in order to explore the fascinating shopping destinations of the region. Shoppers can find all sorts of items they would have on their shopping lists, as a variety of all-integrated shopping malls are waiting to fulfill customer requirements throughout the day.

When it comes to supermarkets in Indonesia the name ‘Hero’ plays the most prominent role as it is the largest supermarket chain in the country since 1971. It holds a great reputation for its’ wide selection of both local and imported goods that include all food items and other household requirements. What is more impressive in this chain of supermarkets is that they pay attention to the protection of the environment while even using only recyclable bags and boxes.

Another main shopping destination in Indonesia is the courtyard of the Sultan’s Palace where most people scatter around in the late afternoons. A large number of people come to the area with friends and families in order to spend some relaxing time while sharing gossip and doing other recreational activities after the hectic work hours. The area is also full of vendors who set up small boutiques and carts filled with small items and quick snacks.

For those who seek international fashion items in a posh and illuminated ambience, Plaza Indonesia and Plaza Senayan exemplify the world-standard fashion capitals that meet with trendiest fashion outcomes in the world. In addition these shopping malls obviously include outstanding restaurants offering mouthwatering menus which are in the level of prominent hotels in Jakarta.

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